
在日历上做记号! 我们很高兴提供 三个 精彩的全球旅行计划 在2024-2025学年!
任何有兴趣参加全球旅行计划的学生必须 完成此申请 到9月27日. Trip leaders and our global travel committee will review applications and select students motivated to engage in place-based learning and ready for the challenges associated with each program. 这些项目是有意的、体验式的、小团体的教育机会. While we’d love all students to participate in our 全球旅行计划s during their time at bbin娱乐平台, students are not guaranteed admittance to a 全球旅行计划 in a particular year. 
符合条件的家庭可获得有限的经济援助, and priority is given to upperclassmen and those who have not previously received financial assistance for global travel.
申请现已开放, 截止日期为2024年9月27日. 给艾米丽·卡门发邮件,体验式学习主任,有任何问题都可以在 epk@bu.edu

沙漠流:亚利桑那州的地球、气候和遗产: 2025年3月9日至15日

“吸引我们进入沙漠的是在遥远的地方寻找一些亲密的东西,环保主义者爱德华·艾比解释道. Allow yourself to be drawn in as we spend a week amidst remarkable geological formations, 在有弹性的人居住了一万多年的土地上, 精神文明与这片土地及其丰饶紧密相连. The program examines the relationship between land and community over time in Arizona through 三个 primary lenses of inquiry: Indigenous land rights and history, 西部之水, 气候变化. 我们没有围墙的教室将包括超凡脱俗的自然美景, 比如大峡谷, 科罗拉多河的马蹄形弯, 以及熔岩河洞穴, 700年形成了一英里长的熔岩管洞,1000年前. We’ll walk in the footsteps of ancient Puebloan and Sinagua peoples at Walnut Canyon National Monument and Montezuma’s Castle National Monument, 一座有20个房间的古老公寓建筑雕刻在高耸的石灰岩悬崖上. 专题专家将包括土著历史和地质学学者, and we’ll work alongside climate scientists and advocacy groups as we engage in hands-on activities like mapping and managing invasive species. 在我们的冒险中, we’ll have time to reflect and connect as we develop an understanding of the conflicting visions of resource management, 土地使用, 以及亚利桑那州与地球的关系.

This program will include walking and hiking moderate distances on uneven terrain with elevation change and being outside in variable weather conditions.

这个项目对所有年级的学生开放, with preference to 11th and 12th graders. 


希腊:古代民主 & 现代共和国: 2025年3月8日至16日

This program explores 希腊’s rich tradition of self-government from antiquity to today. 在雅典, students will examine the spaces and objects through which ancient Athenians put their democracy into practice. 古弥赛尼将提供另一个希腊城邦自治的例子. 访问希腊议会和纳夫普利翁, 希腊共和国的第一个首都, will be opportunities to learn about democracy’s enduring legacy and modern revival. 一路走来, 我们将参观许多希腊最著名、最辉煌的考古遗址, 包括德尔福, 奥林匹亚, 迈锡尼, 以及雅典卫城, 体验现代希腊文化的活力.



海洋探险家:潜入海洋科学 & 保护: 2025年3月8日至15日

Get ready to dive – literally – into adventure as we journey to the island of 洪都拉斯和尼加拉瓜,, 为了一个难忘的海洋生物项目. Our home base for the week-long program will be The Roatán Institute for Marine Sciences (RIMS), 毗邻安东尼关键潜水度假村. 我们将被30多英里长的海岸和堡礁所包围, 海草床, 红树林, 还有原始的海岸线. This is no ordinary classroom – this is a living laboratory teeming with life as part of the second largest barrier reef system in the world. We will use the resources of RIMS for hands-on scientific research and conservation efforts. 整个星期, 你将有机会与海洋生物学家一起工作, participating in cutting-edge research projects and conservation programs aimed at protecting the fragile marine ecosystems of Roatán. 从研究珊瑚礁生态学到与宽吻海豚一起游泳, this program is your chance to explore the world of marine biology and make a real difference in ocean conservation. 准备好受到启发吧, 受过教育的, and empowered as you embark on this once-in-a-lifetime journey to the heart of marine science in the Caribbean.

 我们的时间将分为课堂和实验室工作, 并通过每天两次的浮潜进行实地考察. There will also be down time to relax and appreciate the natural beauty of this tropical island ecosystem. A strong ability to swim and comfort in the open water are essential for this program. Pre-trip work analyzing the marine ecosystems in and around Boston will allow for comparisons between our environment and the one we will find in Roatán.

这个项目对所有年级的学生开放. 出席者须参加游泳考试.



城市重写本:探索真实与想象的城市 2024年3月9日至17日

漫游七座山 伊斯坦布尔 and to traverse its ancient waterways is to experience the accretions of history — from the founding of Byzantium in classical antiquity, 通过两个全球帝国, 拜占庭和奥斯曼帝国, 致世界主义者, 今天的当代城市. 在我们2024年3月的旅行中 伊斯坦布尔, 火鸡, 借鉴bbin娱乐平台的历史, 经典, 还有数学课程, 我们将揭开历史的层层面纱, 文化, and religion discernible right beneath the surface of this bustling modern metropolis. Through visits to archaeological sites in Assos (once home to Aristotle) and in Troy, 我们将探索真实和想象的城市:理想的城市, 文学的城市, 重建城市, 记得城市.

美国人在国外:在巴黎的侨民经历: 2024年3月10日至16日

在我们的旅行中 巴黎, our goal will be to explore the expatriate experience and to learn how this historical city functioned as a haven and inspiration for many American writers. Seeking refuge in Europe from conditions that made their lives in America difficult, 这些作家创作了新的, groundbreaking subject matter and style that effectively broadened the American literary landscape. Following in their footsteps, we will set out to see what muse the great city has to offer us. 虽然我们会, 当然, 参观著名和重要的地点, 这次旅行的重点是培养我们自己的写作能力. 每天早餐时, we will generate and craft location-specific writing prompts that we will use to produce our daily writing, 比如一首诗, 一个短篇故事, 一篇文章, 或者任何我们选择使用的书面形式. We will then set out to explore the city with a guide who will provide context for what we will be seeing. 参观了这些地点之后, 我们将利用下午晚些时候继续我们的探索, 成双或成组, 然后写. 然后我们会聚在一起吃晚饭,并有机会, 你应该选择吗?, 分享我们创造的东西. 在完成应用程序时, please tell us something about how you hope to use the trip to develop your own writing. Remember that you do not need to be an experienced writer to qualify for this trip. 只要有写作的欲望就够了. 我们很高兴看到你们将如何拥抱这个机会.

乘坐地铁:纽约的艺术 2024年3月9日至14日 

New York City is a vibrant hub of visual and performing arts, making it a global cultural epicenter. This trip aims to provide students with an immersive experience in the city’s rich artistic influences and history. Students will have the opportunity to attend performances at renowned music venues including the Metropolitan Opera and the Village Vanguard, visit world-class museums such as the Cloisters and the Metropolitan Museum of Art as well as downtown contemporary art galleries, 欣赏百老汇内外的音乐剧和戏剧. 由北航艺术部领导, this interdisciplinary experience will allow students to explore the vast array of cultural offerings in New York City.